Amanda (Gustava) Sakrison in Dickey, North Dakota

Amanda Gustava was married to Andres William Sakrison and had a daugher, Emma (my great grandmother).

According to Aunt Hilda's (Boggs) family tree, Amanda (Gustava) Sakrison died in Dickey, North Dakota in 1887. Other online family trees listed her death date as August 1, 1887.

Since I was in the area on a business trip, I drove the backroads from I-94 to small town of Dickey, ND. Since the Dickey Cemetery was not listed on, this cemetery was a little trickier to get to. I found the nicely kept grassy cemetery on the west side of town.

Since there wasn't the convenience of a directory this time, my friend, Tom, and I walked through the cemetery looking at headstones for Amanda Sakrison. We searched the cemetery twice with no success.

I am going to try to go back in October to La Moure, ND, the county seat of LaMoure county, to research courthouse and/or library records.

My search for Amanda Sakrison may take me to Jamestown, ND, the county seat of Dickey county which is still in the area.

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